1st January 2017

Sylvie Vartan – Le testament
Language – French

In 2015, I decided to start a blog where I added a foreign-language music track every day for a whole year.  This seemed achievable when I set out on this adventure, and although some days it was remarkably time-consuming I managed pretty well up until about September that year. The reason I stopped was due to the emotional turmoil of leaving a man I had been seeing for a number of years, mainly due to discovering that he was not the person I had thought, but instead a Very Bad Person, with narcissistic, pathological-lying, and emotional psychopath traits. As you can imagine, this threw me for a while, and I stopped writing my blog while my brain processed everything that I had thought to be true but had discovered was a complete tissue of lies. I won’t go into that here – I’ll save that for my other blog…

The year 2016 was viewed by many as a terrible year.  We lost people who meant a great deal to us, and the political landscape in the UK and in certain other countries around the world changed to a far bleaker, darker place.  Despite that, personally I had a rather lovely year as I developed a relationship with a very special man, who, refreshingly, found it unnecessary to lie to me on a daily basis. I grew as a person, drawing great strength from the support of my friends and family.  I started listening to music again, going out more, DJing on the odd occasion, being introduced to fabulous films, turning vegan, and just feeling much better in general after the trauma of the previous year.  I reached a point where I was able to realise the completely inconsequential and pitiable nature of the man I had once thought so important.  I was able to laugh to myself about this, knowing I had had a very lucky escape from a person whose deceptions were still making themselves known. I could look at 2016 as a new start, with far more possibilities than I had previously imagined, knowing that my ex was still feeling it necessary to lie to his friends, colleagues and family to make himself feel like a man, and that he is still looking at my Facebook and Twitter posts regularly despite having a new girlfriend. Sad, really.

With this excellent positive energy I have decided to start again with my foreign-language musical ambitions, and am determined to get through 2017 by posting a track every day. To make it slightly easier on myself, I have decided that I can use artists more than once, and I don’t have to write a huge article every day! Phew!

I reach this day feeling incredibly optimistic about 2017 (I have *nearly* completed my TEFL course…), and have chosen this song today by Sylvie Vartan as a ‘testament’ to this.  When horrible people use you and lie to you, and consequently lie to their friends about you to cover up their original lies, the best “fuck you!” is to get on with your life, to have fun and be creative, and leave them to it. If someone feels the need to behave in that manner, that shows an emptiness within them that they will never fill. 

So, dear readers, I wish you all a very Happy New Year, and to remember that when life throws you lemons, use them to make a Lemon Gingerini 🙂
